"I'm very positive about the future of GIS. It's the right technology at the right time. When I think of all the major problems that we face throughout the world today—overpopulation, food shortages, reduced agricultural production, adverse climate change, poverty—these are all quintessentially geographic problems. These problems are all concerned with the human relationship to the land, and this is where GIS can make its biggest contribution. GIS is the technology of our times and is uniquely suited to assist in solving the problems that we face."

-Dr. Roger F. Tomilson, Father of GIS

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GIS in Pictures

Wednesday 13 July 2016

New Release of ArcGIS Full Motion Video: Mapping videos

ESRI releases new version of ArcGIS Full Motion Video (FMV) technology with new capabilities for quickly and easily analyzing video data from drones, UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) and UASs (Unmanned Aircraft Systems), and video cameras within your ArcGIS environment. It offers full support for JP2, and TIFF support for video mosaics including full image transformations for better accuracy. 

“ArcGIS FMV expands the capabilities of ArcGIS as a complete, professional platform for managing, sharing, and extracting value from geospatial data, Imagery from video is one of the most important sources of data in ArcGIS.”said Gerald Kinn, Esri’s lead product engineer for imagery.

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Saturday 2 July 2016

2016 Esri Special Achievement in GIS Award goes to Government of Yukon

Congratulations to Government of Yukon for receiving the 2016 Esri Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award.
The Geomatics Yukon, a group formed by the Government of Yukon manages the territory’s geospatial data and applications. With their enterprise ArcGIS implementation, Geomatics Yukon provide access to nearly 300 internal datasets including land ownership and legal surveys . They also manage a wealth of valuable data that is accessible to the public through Targeted web apps like GeoYukon, Yukon Mining Map Viewer and Yukon Lands Viewer ­­. The government had 30 internal GIS users in 2006 as compared to 450 users in 2015. The number of visits to their interactive web applications increases from 18,000 sessions in 2006 to 150,000 in 2015.

“The Yukon government’s success is a great example of what’s possible when everyone is pulling in the same direction,” “Their geomatics team may be small, but they’re impressive. Not only have they created an environment where GIS use by both internal and external stakeholders is pervasive, they’ve also transformed their operations and increased collaboration within and beyond government.” says Alex Miller, president, Esri Canada.

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