"I'm very positive about the future of GIS. It's the right technology at the right time. When I think of all the major problems that we face throughout the world today—overpopulation, food shortages, reduced agricultural production, adverse climate change, poverty—these are all quintessentially geographic problems. These problems are all concerned with the human relationship to the land, and this is where GIS can make its biggest contribution. GIS is the technology of our times and is uniquely suited to assist in solving the problems that we face."

-Dr. Roger F. Tomilson, Father of GIS

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Journal name: Impact Factor: Publisher

  1. Nature Geoscience: 13.566: Nature Publishing Group
  2. Remote Sensing of Environment: 8.430: Elsevier
  3. Environmental Modelling & Software: 4.420, 4.359: Elsevier
  4. Journal of Geoinformatics & Geostatistics: 4.277: Scitechnol
  5. Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGARS): 3.514: IEEE Xplore
  6. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation: 3.470, 3.487: Elsevier
  7. International Journal of Digital Earth: 3.291: Taylor & Francis
  8. Remote Sensing: 3.180, 3.257
  9. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing: 3.132, 4.652: Elsevier
  10. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (J-STARS): 3.026: IEEE Xplore
  11. GPS Solutions:2.918 : Springer
  12. Journal of Geodesy:2.699: Springer
  13. Applied Geography:2.494, 2.853: Elsevier
  14. Annals of the Association of American Geographers:2.291: Taylor & Francis
  15. Sensors: MDPI
  16. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL): 2.095 : IEEE Xplore
  17. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing: 2.071: ASPRS
  18. Computers & Geosciences: 2.054, 2.214 : Elsevier
  19. The Geographical Journal: 1.926: Wiley
  20. Computer-Aided Design: 1.801, 1.957: Elsevier
  21. GISciences & Remote Sensing: 1.770 : Taylor & Francis
  22. Geoforum:1.759, 2.488: Elsevier
  23. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing: 1.727
  24. Ecological Informatics: 1.683: Elsevier
  25. International Journal of Geographical Information Science: 1.655: Taylor & Francis
  26. Mathematical Geosciences: 1.653: Springer
  27. International Journal of Remote Sensing: 1.652 : Taylor & Francis
  28. Remote Sensing Letters:1.573 : Taylor & Francis
  29. Geographical Analysis: 1.543 : Wiley
  30. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems: 1.537, 2.078 : Elsevier
  31. Earth Science Informatics: 1.524: Springer
  32. Journal of Geographical Systems: 1.500 : Springer
  33. The Professional Geographer: 1.500 : Taylor Francis
  34. Advances in Engineering Software: 1.402, 1.584 : Taylor Francis 
  35. Journal of Earth System Science: 1.040 : Springer
  36. Transactions in GIS: 1.398 : Wiley 
  37. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering Impact Factor & Information: 1.39 : ASCE 
  38. Journal of Geographical Sciences: 1.344 : Springer
  39. Marine Geodesy: 1.306 : Taylor Francis
  40. Journal of Maps: 1.193 : Taylor Francis
  41. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (JARS): 1.183, 1.309
  42. Geographical Research: 1.101 : Wiley
  43. The Photogrammetric Record: 1.038 : Wiley
  44. Journal of Geographic Information System: 0.96Scientific Research
  45. Cartography and Geographic Information Science:0.944: Taylor & Francis
  46. Computers & Graphics: 0.907,1.089 : Elsevier
  47. Chinese Geographical Science: 0.877 : Springer
  48. Current Science: 0.833
  49. GeoInformatica: 0.745: Springer
  50. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing : 0.764: Springer
  51. Journal of photogrammetry, remote sensing and geoinformation processing: 0.733

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  52. Discrete & Computational Geometry:0.692: Springer
  53. Journal of the Geological Society of India:0.596: Springer
  54. Survey Review:0.533: Maney Online
  55. Computational Geometry: 0.480 : Elsevier
  56. Journal of Spatial Science: 0.412: Taylor & Francis
  57. Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS (JoRSG)
  59. International Journal of Geoinformatics (IJG)
  60. SSRG International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science (SSRG-IJGGS)
  61. World Research Journal of Geoinformatics : Bioinfo Publications
  62. Geography Compass : Wiley
  63. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research
  64. GeoJournal: Springer
  65. Annals of GISTaylor & Francis
  66. Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan
  67. International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences : Integrated Publishing Association
  68. Geodetski list : Croatian geodetic society
  69. Journal of Surveying Engineering: ASCE Library
  70. Applied Geomatics Springer
  71. Studies in Surveying and Mapping Science (SSMS): ASSE
  72. URISA Journal: ASSE
  73. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion : : Taylor & Francis
  74. Journal of Location Based Services: Taylor & Francis
  75. Journal of Geomatics
  76. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment : Elsevier
  77. Geoscience Frontiers:Elsevier
  78. Ain Shams Engineering Journal: Elsevier
  79. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
  80. Geo-spatial Information Science :  Springer
  81. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
  82. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design
  83. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
  84. International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications
  85. International Journal of Health Geographics
  86. The Journal of Navigation
  88. Journal of Spatial Information Science
  89. Journal of Land Use Science
  90. Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards
  91. Journal on Data Semantics
  92. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research
  93. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR)
  94. International Journal of Cartography
  95. International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling (IJ3DIM)
  96. ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems
  97. Spatial Information Research-Springer
  98. Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences-Springer
  99. SN Applied Sciences- Springer

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