"I'm very positive about the future of GIS. It's the right technology at the right time. When I think of all the major problems that we face throughout the world today—overpopulation, food shortages, reduced agricultural production, adverse climate change, poverty—these are all quintessentially geographic problems. These problems are all concerned with the human relationship to the land, and this is where GIS can make its biggest contribution. GIS is the technology of our times and is uniquely suited to assist in solving the problems that we face."

-Dr. Roger F. Tomilson, Father of GIS

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"Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things" Known as "the first law of geography" (Tobler W., (1970)

“The early days of GIS were very lonely. No-one knew what it meant.” Roger Tomlinson

“GIS is the nervous system for the planet.” Jack Dangermond

“We’re going to have a whole generation of people who (won’t) know how to use a map. … I was driving across the Golden Gate Bridge and my GPS said, ‘Take a right turn.’ (I’m thinking:) ‘Why? Have you seen my movies lately?’ ” –Robin Williams

“Maps are 100% content.” Edward Tufte

“The debate over cli­mate change has been long, heated and often trou­bled by dif­fer­ent view­points. Geospa­tial tech­nolo­gies and tools cut through the thick fog of alter­nat­ing views and bring real data and results to the fore­front.” –Jeff Thurston

“Everyone and their dog is creating maps online now.”  Oliver O’Brien, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at University College London.

“The map is not the territory.” Alfred Korzybski

“Python is becoming the scientific language for GIS.” Bill Moreland

“You can’t buy SDI [Spatial Data Infrastructure]. You have to build it.”Jack Dangermond

“Using geography to better design our world transcends fields, specialties, countries, and cultures.” Jack Dangermond

“Google is giving you more intelligence than anyone in the history of the world. But, you’re idiot savants because you don’t know how to apply the information in an ethical and moral way.” Brad Allenby, Arizona State University

“GIS is hot right now. If you have GIS (experience) you will be hired.” Mike Sfraga, director of the University of Alaska Geography Program

“If you want a database that has everything, you’ve got it. It’s out there. It’s called reality.” Scott Morehouse, Director of Software Development, ESRI

“[P]erhaps Web 2.0 is a giant experiment that will ultimately validate the oft disputed irreplaceability of professionals–journalists, photographers, and yes, GIS professionals.” Atanas Entchev

“People don’t need to know geography, they need to do geography.”Daniel C. Edelson, Vice President for Education, National Geographic Society 

“Maps are like campfires – everyone gathers around them, because they allow people to understand complex issues at a glance, and find agreement about how to help the land.”
Sonoma Ecology Center, GIS/IS Program Web Site

“…consumer mapping … technologies have … provided geo-awareness to everybody. And they’ve done it principally by building a standardized basemap for the planet.” Jack Dangermond, ESRI President

“…analysis does not have to involve complex mathematical operations, but begins in the human mind as soon as the map is in view, because the eye and brain are enormously efficient at detecting patterns and finding anomalies in maps and other visual displays. GIS works best when the computer and the brain combine forces, and when GIS is used to augment human intuition by manipulating and displaying data in ways that reveal things that would otherwise be invisible.”Dr. Michael F. Goodchild

“A lot of geographers believe science is a disease to be eradicated.” Prof. Roger Downs, Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State University

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