"I'm very positive about the future of GIS. It's the right technology at the right time. When I think of all the major problems that we face throughout the world today—overpopulation, food shortages, reduced agricultural production, adverse climate change, poverty—these are all quintessentially geographic problems. These problems are all concerned with the human relationship to the land, and this is where GIS can make its biggest contribution. GIS is the technology of our times and is uniquely suited to assist in solving the problems that we face."

-Dr. Roger F. Tomilson, Father of GIS

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GIS in Pictures

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Global Mapper is available in nine languages

Now the Global Mapper is available in French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Polish, Spanish, and Turkish as well as the original English version.In each of Global Mapper’s non-English versions, all of the software’s menus, windows, and dialog boxes have been  reformatted into the local language. Additionally, translated versions of the extensive help files and documentation are now available with each local release.

“Global Mapper’s worldwide footprint has been rapidly expanding for many years.” “While many non-English speakers have learned to adapt their GIS operations to work in English, we understand that productivity is significantly improved when the software is available in their native language. For this reason, we will continue to work with our partners to release additional language versions of Global Mapper.” stated Blue Marble’s President, Patrick Cunningham. 

Global Mapper is available in nine languages

Now the Global Mapper is available in French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Polish, Spanish, and Turkish as well as the original English version.In each of Global Mapper’s non-English versions, all of the software’s menus, windows, and dialog boxes have been  reformatted into the local language. Additionally, translated versions of the extensive help files and documentation are now available with each local release.

“Global Mapper’s worldwide footprint has been rapidly expanding for many years.” “While many non-English speakers have learned to adapt their GIS operations to work in English, we understand that productivity is significantly improved when the software is available in their native language. For this reason, we will continue to work with our partners to release additional language versions of Global Mapper.” stated Blue Marble’s President, Patrick Cunningham. 

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COVID-19 Population Vulnerability Dashboard